Welcome to our new blog site, where you can come to find the latest news and information about link building, search engine optimization, and other methods of turning your website into a successful small business.
Today, we’ll get started with some link building tips for beginners.
First, the reasoning behind the madness: search engines like Google and Yahoo are designed to evaluate how many links point to your site. This helps them determine (mathematically) how important your site is as compared to other sites offering similar information. One way to boost your site’s ranking is to exchange links with other webmasters who have sites in the same industry or niche as yours.
Now that you know why you need to trade links, you just need to know how to go about it.
One suggestion is to sign up for a free link exchange manager, which will help visitors to your site submit their own link and at the same time, add a link to their site pointing back to yours. This is an easy, automated way to trade.
Of course, a good link building campaign does require some effort. Joining webmaster-themed online forums or subscribing to communities for webmasters of sites like yours can help you identify and connect with potential swappers. Maintaining good, fresh content on your site is another way to generate backlinks – if your site has information others find useful, they will be likely to pass it on by sending your link to others.
Finally, stay active. If you build up a large number of back links in the first few months of running your site and then stop trading, you might be off to a good start but you’ll soon lose your advantage. The key to a successful website is that it is always expanding its reach, so make sure you keep seeking out new contacts and adding your link to other sites to keep yours in the game!